Specialist Occupational Physician, Clinical Epidemiologist and Insurance Medicine Expert.

About me

Passionate about occupational medicine, clinical epidemiology, medico-legal work, education and insurance medicine. With substantial experience in these areas.

Specialties & Expertise

Occupational medicine

Environmental medicine

Clinical epidemiology

Insurance medicine

Education and training

Medico-legal assessments

Health risk management

Organisational consulting


Keynote speaker

Dr Matthew Paul

Specialist physician with over 25 years clinical experience. Specialised in occupational and environmental medicine, clinical epidemiology, insurance medicine and medico-legal medicine.

Passionate about education, training and public speaking, with past experience as NSW specialist training coordinator with RACP, and board positions at industry educational bodies (ANZIIF and ALUCA).

Consulting experience with major organisations and government bodies within Australia and internationally, helping others solve health problems and make decisions with the best available evidence.

Recently appointed chief investigator for the Australian Insured Lives pilot project at the University of Sydney Business School,

Education and Training

Breakfast Bites : traumatic brain injury and CTE

March 30, 9am

Sydney, Australia

Epidemiology : asking and answering insurance medicine questions

April 17, 9am

Sydney, Australia

Mental health updates

June (various dates and times)

Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland. Wellington

Evidence informed claims practices

August 4 & 10

Sydney, Melbourne.

A.I. Augmented underwriting and claims practices

October 10 & 11

Sydney, Melbourne.